
Odd Rode draft NDP Reg 14 consultation

Odd Rode Neighbourhood Development Plan – Statutory Consultation under regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Plan (General) Regulations 2012

The Odd Rode Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee has prepared a draft Plan for the parish of Odd Rode; the consultation period for this Plan will run until 8th January 2021.

The purpose of this consultation is to seek representations from statutory consultees and others whose interests may be affected by the draft proposals made. We will consider your comments when writing our final draft plan before a further Statutory consultation which will be conducted by the Local Planning Authority. It will subsequently be subject to an independent examination.
If you are not the correct contact for this consultation, please pass this document to the appropriate person.

A copy of the draft plan can be viewed and downloaded from:

If you would like to make representations with regard to, and hopefully in support of, this Plan, then please submit them by 8th January 2021 to:

Odd Rode Parish Council,
Newfield House,
Brook Lane,
CW12 4TJ.

Or by email to the Parish Clerk at

We thank you for your consideration and look forward to receiving any comments you may have in due course.

Gary Roberts, Clerk to the Council.
Regulation 14 consultation